Online gaming is an industry that has gained increased popularity and fandom, largely due to advancements in technology. The same games that were famous two decades ago, such as Pac-Man, are still famous today. Plus, hundreds and thousands of other online games have also hit the market and gained in ‘player-ship’, but how is this possible? Old games, new games – all games seem to be experiencing heightened demand and the simple answer for this is the improvement of gaming technologies.
This article aims to shed light on the various ways that technology has shaped the online gaming industry and the effects that its advancements have had on gaming.
Gaming Graphics
One of the most important aspects of any online gaming platform is the level of graphics players get to engage with. True gaming fans could speak on this topic for eons, outlining each and every part of the graphic interface that users play with. Whether you’re partaking in a FIFA game, filled with new soccer moves and the latest gaming technology or an online casino game that boasts a large variety of promotions or bonuses, such as BonusFinder – for online gamers, excellent graphics are vital.
If you think about captivating online gaming, you most likely have a long list of characters, icons and colors in your mind. Players want to engage in a game that is visually appealing as it creates a more stimulating process. If you are playing an older game, such as Tetris, you want the same game rules and principles, but you want to see the 21st-century version in terms of improved gaming graphics. This is the expectation of many players to date, they want bigger and better. Online gaming platforms need to ensure this experience to retain existing players and attract new ones.
Another avenue that has improved drastically within the online gaming world but may not be as noticeable or publicized is the improved security that players now get to experience. Online safety is not always the easiest thing to come by, with many cyber criminals and hackers at the ready to hinder a person’s experience online. Therefore, with the rise of technology also came the rise of online security. There are many new software and apps (applications) that have been created to safeguard the experience that online players have. Take blockchain technology for example, the basis of protection for digital currencies and the core of player anonymity and transactional transparency – this is a rather niche piece of software, specifically for cryptocurrencies. Perhaps you’ve heard of something more common such as the Google Authenticator app or 1Password, which allows you to securely store your password and authenticate your login credentials.
Players are now able to experience online safety and security more than they have ever been able to before, and whilst this is not a perfect system and there are certainly still areas that need improvement, it is certainly much more advanced than what it was two decades ago.
Futuristic Experiences
Beyond having a graphically appealing and safe online experience, many players also seek more immersive adventures, which often include artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). These are often coined as the futuristic avenues within the online gaming experience, as they allow players to partake in games like never before. With the assistance of these advanced technologies, players can now fully immerse themselves in their favorite games and actually play their avatars as if they were them in real life. Where the move of a player’s human arm, is the movement of the avatar’s arm and so forth. Simply think about VR headsets or the new Apple Vision Pro, which allows you to see both your digital existence, such as your messages or social media, but also navigate the world before your eyes, such as walking on the street or skateboarding through the city. Furthermore, you can play games as if they are happening live before your eyes, making for one of the most captivating experiences of online gaming to date.